Prompt 5: eBooks and Audiobooks

I have to admit, there is something about the feel of a book in my hands that makes me happy. This is a conversation that I have held with many patrons! But out of convenience, I find e-Books and audiobooks to be great tools. I have even been known to read the same story via a physical book and an ebook at the same time. I read the physical book all day and switch to the ebook at night or when I do not want to carry the actual book. This way I can switch seamlessly between the formats that work best for me at the moment. I personally struggled a bit with audiobooks at first. I would lose track of the story and struggle to keep track of multiple characters. So audiobooks lost some of their appeal for me. However, I would say that even throughout this class, I have gotten better and can now listen to a book while I get things done around the house. This adds appeal because being tight on time does not mean I have to wait to dive into a good book. I can do dishes, make dinner, take o...