Book Club Experience

A Night with Books and Brews Bookclub

The Club

I had the great pleasure of attending the local Books and Brews Book Club in February. The library typically hosts this club once a month at different restaurants around the city and has around 15 regular attendees. Due to COVID, the group is meeting online in a zoom room. The meetings last from 1 to 3 hours depending on the book, the number of people attending, and the topics that arise during the conversation each night!

The Questions

The librarian began the meeting and had everyone introduce themselves to start. Then she began with a prepared question but allowed the group’s conversation to flow naturally. When it got quiet, she would prompt with another question. The attendees would answer first, but they wanted her input, which she would give after everyone else answered. 

I had listened to the audiobook, so I participated in the conversation. This was not my favorite book ever, but there were parts that I did enjoy. The group did a great job of discussing the parts of the book they did and did not like.

The questions and conversation covered a wide variety of topics! This group digs into characters, plots, the speed of the book, and more. The final location in the book held some significance and was also discussed. The attendees shared if they found the ending satisfying and if they liked the book overall. Differing opinions were accepted with grace and kindness.


All attendees actively participated, and no one seemed to take over. If someone was quiet for a while, the leader would ask them a question to see if they wanted to share. The overall atmosphere of this group was lighthearted, relaxed, and fun. This diverse group of women openly accepted each other’s thoughts and encouraged everyone to give their opinions. Any disagreements were downplayed and did not become serious issues.


This lively group usually meets in restaurants, with each person responsible for purchasing any food or drink they may want. Since the meetings are currently being held online, there was no food or drink provided, but participants were told that they were welcome to eat or drink if they desired to during the meeting.


This club explores different genres all the time! This month's book was a thriller, next month, it will be a romance. Members submit books they would like to read, and the librarian makes the selections by drawing a title from a basket! If it is too similar to the book being read at the time, she puts that one back and picks a different one to ensure that they are reading various books. The only genres not explored are horror and true crime at the request of most members.


  1. This book club sounds like a great way to get people to read different genres. I'm glad that your experience has always been a fun one and that everyone can participate. Going to restaurants sounds like a great way to have people socialize and get to know each other. Have you been going to it long? Also, do you have a favorite book from the club that you have read? Thanks for sharing!

    Abby Abbott

    1. Abby,

      Today was my second time attending. They have been so much fun! I would say that of all the books I have read for a book club - I have loved a lot of them but I was surprised to love The Gown~ I did not think it would be my cup of tea. I was so wrong!

  2. Hello, Bobbi.

    That sounds like a really interesting book club. Going to restaurants, choosing different book genres. It sounds eventful. Judging from the way you described the experience, it seems like the all the regular attendees think the same way. Is it something you would want to attend again?

    Keep up the good work.

    1. James,

      I actually attended tonight for the second time! I will definitely keep going. :)

  3. I love the idea of meeting at restaurants. Yours is the only experience I've read so far where the leader had each participant introduce themselves. I really like that and the way it helps everyone get to know each other. The book club I observed was so fun because everyone had gotten to really know each other through it and become friends.

    1. Christina,

      I loved that everyone introduced themselves - even though most of the members were regulars, it helped the visiting or new members feel less awkward for sure. One of the ladies that joined had moved to another state but still joined because she loved the group so much. She even asked them to let her call in when they switch back to in person. It was so neat to see how close they got through book club!

  4. I love the librarian's method of choosing the club's next read! Not only does it require active participation from the members as they provide their own suggestions, but she keeps the selection process neutral by pulling a suggestion at random. This sounds like a fun book club, and I hope Covid doesn't keep them from meeting in person much longer. Food and a good book discussion sounds like a wonderful combination.

    1. Jessie,

      I love the way they choose books as well! It seemed to give the feeling that they were all in it together instead of relying on the librarian to pick them all. I agree - hope they are back to exploring stories and food soon. :D

  5. Hi Bobbi,

    I love the idea of hosting library events in different locations around town. That probably helps local businesses a lot, and it might make programs more accessible for different demographics.

    You mentioned that the tone of the conversation was lighthearted and relaxed. I wonder if book clubs ever fall into an overly formal and stiff tone. At some point, it probably starts feeling like assigned reading for a class.

    I also like the method for selecting the next read. That way, everyone can contribute their ideas, but the element of randomness makes sure that no one person gets preferential treatment. Do you know if this club has ever read nonfiction or graphic novels? That might be a good way to shake things up.

    Thanks for sharing your experience!

    -Daniel Thurston

    1. The first thing they talked about was that if you don't like the next book, don't finish it. You can add plenty to the discussion by talking about what didn't work for you. Everyone had finished the book they were discussing that night though. I think the randomness of the genres helps keep it lively. I will say, I attended a book club once that was indeed formal and stiff - but I disliked 5 out of 7 of the books they selected - it felt like assigned reading because it just wasn't the right fit for me. I did learn about what I did not like though!

      They have read nonfiction - I am not sure about graphic novels. I will have to pick one and add it to the possibilities! Any suggestions?! I've read a few but I am newer to graphic novels.

  6. Bobbi,

    This was my first book club experience so it was fun to finally have a reason to give it a try and see what the format is like. Thought virtual, the people were very welcoming to the new member and really gave me space to adapt to the format. I had built it up to be much more serious in my head, but it was a real pleasure to just have casual chats and give out informal opinions on the book and accompanying topics at hand. I think I would like to give this club a revisit next month.

  7. What a wonderful experience! I'm glad this wasn't your first time going and I'm glad you'll be going back! Like your classmates said I love how books are chosen and it seems as if there is a good variety and a great leader. Awesome write up and full points!


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