Young Adult Book Annotation



·         Booth, H. (2005). RA for YA: Tailoring the readers advisory interview to the needs of young adult patrons. Public Libraries, 44(1), 33-36. [Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts]


  1. I ordered this book and thought it looked interesting, but just have not gotten around to reading it. Did you enjoy it? Is it like Karen McManus? I know her books are really popular to my teens right now. This seemed to have the same feel to it. Great job as always! I admire how succinct you are because I always write way more than I plan to lol.

    1. I am a big fan of Karen McManus, who is actually the author of this one (I couldn't tell if you realized that, but if you didn't - well done picking up on the Karen McManus vibes!!). I loved One of Us is Lying which is why I had this one on my list. I thought it was a great read (although the ending felt a tad rushed to me), but I think it is a book that the teens will love.

      Thanks so much! I actually struggle a bit with being succinct and have been working on that, so your feedback means a lot! It's one of the reasons I gave myself small spaces. I have to work to make it fit! :)

    2. Hello,

      I love the appeal section. You did an awesome job with this annotation! From the book cover it almost looks like it could be a horror story for teens. After reading your annotation I am definitely going to read this one! I've never read this author but after reading the comments from you and Taylor I need to learn more about her.

      Abby Abbott

    3. Abby,
      She is really popular in my library. Teens and adults alike seem to really enjoy her YA books (myself included obviously). Happy reading!

  2. Was this a scary story or more of a suspense/thriller kind of story? It sounds really mysterious and creepy, but I wouldn't want to read something that's too much of a Debbie Downer right now. Family-related books always seem to toe the line a lot of the times in terms of the creepy to suspense vibe.

  3. Roberta,
    I loved her previous book One Of Us Is Lying, was this one just as good, or better? I'm debating adding it to my TBR!

    1. Darla,
      I enjoyed this one but I actually liked One of Us is Lying a little better! In my opinion, it was still worth the read!

  4. This title is an interesting read and similar to the novel I have recently read where these adult women discover they are actually siblings. They are brought together due to a family secret not shared. It would be interesting to be brought together by working at the same place and then discovering the connection to the owner. This type of suspenseful read might relate to adult readers who have read similar reads or for readers who enjoy a good mystery. Great job on creating this promotional flyer, you could use this flyer to promote the novel at the library or as a handout for patrons.

    1. Candace,
      What book did you just read? Sounds like something I would like. :) Thank you for the feedback!

  5. This book sounds super intriguing. Great job on the summary, appeals, and format. Full points!


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