Prompt 3: Romance Campaign

I would like to promote our Romance materials with a multi-faceted campaign. It is February, which means it is freezing outside. I want to promote the Romance section with a campaign meant to turn up the heat. Promotions will be done through the use of a Romance Book Display and Facebook posts that highlight new Romance books in our collection. The materials listed will include DVDs, print books, audiobooks, graphic novels, and non-fiction titles. This way we are using an integrated advisory approach by including all of the formats and media that we offer here at the library while staying focused on the Romance genre (Dunneback & Towner, 2010)! The Display Poster The display materials will include books (fiction & nonfiction), DVDs, audiobooks, and graphic novels. Example Facebook Posts Reference Dunneback, K. & Towner, M. W. (2010). Introduction: integrated advisory. Integrated Advisory Service . Denver: Libraries Unlimited, pp. xi-xvi....