Kirkus Review


  1. Bobbi, this is a great review! It really has me interested in this book. You did a great job of creating suspense and intrigue in your summary. -Brianna Harting

    1. Brianna,

      Thank you! I hope you get a chance to read it!

  2. Hey Bobbi,

    I love your ending line! In one sentence, you have managed to say something quick about the book, as well as elicit the feeling that you enjoyed it and want more! I will have to check this one out as well. Any one else getting the looming feeling that their Next-Read list is about to get exponentially longer during the duration of this class?

    This was a wonderful review. You followed the format perfectly and I feel like I could have read this on Kirkus myself. Thank you for sharing!

    Leah Bennett

    1. Leah,

      Thank you so much! I totally agree with you! I just keep adding books to my list! Worth it! :D

  3. Fantastic job! You summarized this succinctly - while leaving readers wanting more. Great closing line as well. Full points!


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