Prompt 1: Reader's Advisory Suggestions

Reader's Advisory Suggestions


EBSCO Industries. (2021). NoveList Plus.


  1. Hi Bobbi! I am amazed at how many ways we have to go find out some good books! When I am at the stacks (either shelving, shelf-reading or weeding) I cannot contain myself and usually take a pile to my desk to decide who is going home with me that day ;) Sometimes I feel guilty about taking them home all at once... I know I will read them, the questions is, how many times I'll have to renew them before I get to the last page. I am one of those people that if I start something, I need to finish it - even if it's just a 'meh' story line. One day I'll learn to break this bad habit...

    1. Hello! There really are so many ways to find out about good books! When I started at my library - I was in charge of the YA collection. Weeding that led to almost 100 books being added to my list! The good news is that I do not have to worry about running out of great stories to read!

      I used to finish books no matter what - I totally understand that! Now if I am struggling to get into a book, I wait and circle back to it. Sometimes I enjoy it a lot more later on! But no judgement from me if finishing it is how you like to role! :)

  2. Again, I love the formatting! This looks so nice! Your book suggestions all look spot on and I like how conversational you made it. Besides Novelist did you use any other RA resources? Great job and full points!

  3. Hello! So sorry for the lateness of this...
    You did a great job with the format! It looks really good. When I search for new books to read I just look through the shelves of the library I work at because a library is the best place to look for a new book! I have to admit though I found question 6 to be a little confusing because I couldn't tell if the patron was asking for books that came out in the last five years that was made into movies or movies based on books that came out in the last five years. Great job!


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