Prompt 3: Romance Campaign

     I would like to promote our Romance materials with a multi-faceted campaign. It is February, which means it is freezing outside. I want to promote the Romance section with a campaign meant to turn up the heat. Promotions will be done through the use of a Romance Book Display and  Facebook posts that highlight new Romance books in our collection. The materials listed will include DVDs, print books, audiobooks, graphic novels, and non-fiction titles. This way we are using an integrated advisory approach by including all of the formats and media that we offer here at the library while staying focused on the Romance genre (Dunneback & Towner, 2010)!

The Display Poster

The display materials will include books (fiction & nonfiction), DVDs, audiobooks, and graphic novels.

Example Facebook Posts

Dunneback, K. & Towner, M. W. (2010). Introduction: integrated advisory. Integrated Advisory Service. Denver: Libraries Unlimited, pp. xi-xvi. 


  1. Hi, Bobbi.

    This seems like an idea with a lot of potential. For your display (which I assume is inside the library), might I suggest a romantic-fireplace setting? It would compliment the February season. Also, in addition to separating them by book-formats, you could also try making posters for different age levels to really expand the patrons' interest.

    Keep up the good work.

    1. James,

      Great ideas! Love the fireplace setting idea! I was only thinking about adults when I put these together, but I really like the idea of doing more - especially a poster that focuses on YA!

  2. I love this! I thought about doing a "Who Wore It Better" display with the covers all of men without their shirts, but I chickened out. But I love how you made it multifaceted and slightly spicy, but professional. I think this would be a great idea. Did you design all of those promotional flyers, because if so, they look amazing! I agree with James that it might be better to split up some of your content by targeted ages. Patrons can check out anything, but it is nice to have different target audience groups so that they know what they are getting. Great job!

    1. Taylor,

      I personally think your idea is great! LOL If I had seen it in a library, I would laugh!

      I did design all the flyers - thank you!

      I didn't say so - but these were for adults. I love including YA books in adult displays - I have nudged more than one adult into loving the YA section! Our books are clearly labeled as Romance (if adult) or YA (if for teens), so it didn't dawn on me to include that in the signage. But I agree with you both, this could be expanded to include other ages and to have a flyer for different ages. Thanks!

    2. I have seen so many adult patrons checking out YA materials, so including some in your display makes sense. There is definitely a huge demographic of people who love the YA genre whether they are within that age group or not. I still love YA and I am...older than that lol. But having a specific YA display that coincides with an adult one would bring cohesion and greater visibility to materials which is always great for numbers. This was a fabulous idea!

    3. I am also one of the adult's that loves YA! I started out reading them to talk with my teenage kids, but now I read them for me! I agree! It's a great idea! I think I may just use this one! :)

  3. Hi Bobbi,

    I love this idea! I know at my library we tend to promote a lot of our romance DVDs in February through displays. One way to integrate it with the YA section would be to do a display or poster about staying warm on a snow day. I know teens have more eLearning days than snow days but it would be a fun way to incorporate YA and possibly DVDs for teens to watch on their days off from school. Great post!

    Abby Abbott

    1. Abby,
      I love the idea of incorporating snow days for a YA display! Thanks for sharing the idea!

  4. I love the graphics and the catchphrase - it's unique and fun. Full points!


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