Prompt 10: Books From the Past to the Future

How have reading and books changed since you were a child, for you specifically? I was an AVID reader from the time I could read on my own. My mom tells everyone about how she would call me to dinner and I would yell back "I can't right now, I'm reading!". While I am still an avid reader, my frequency of diving into a book has changed - I have responsibilities that cause short periods of time where I am not reading much. However, I just read while I am eating now. :D The formats that I enjoy a story through have changed as well. Even though I still prefer a book in my hands, I do love the convenience of an eBook (I would have been blown away by this format as a kid). I've even been known to have the same title in both formats so I could switch back and forth. I am slowly getting into audiobooks as well which really gives me the ability to do other things while I read a story. Dishes calling my name? No problem! I can listen while I take care of things. In fac...